
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday: Stash Report

I have been very lazy the last 3 days and have done very little sewing.  However I intend to change that this week.  My back has been out of whack but I saw my massage practitioner earlier today and am glad to say I am CURED! 

I also recieved a package this morning and the traveling stash.  I will open them and take some pictures for tomorrow's blog post and decide what I'm keeping from the stash and get the give away for that up in the next 3 or 4 days.

That said, I finished nothing this last week so my stash report remains the same as last week.

I didn't start my stash report until May 1.

YTD Fabric In: 8.5 yards
Fabric In This Week: 0
YTD Fabric Used: 17.5 yards
Fabric Used This Week: 0 yards

Stash Busted YTD: 9 yards

I hope everyone has a great upcoming week!

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