
Friday, March 11, 2016

Stomp The Brakes!

So, I started something for a wedding that is in June however after speaking to a person in the know it will be ALL wrong for the lovely couple and so I am going to begin again, but I know what to do and I will have to go fabric shopping, which I haven't let myself do in a while!  Win/Win yes? 

On other fronts I have a 4 day weekend so I have big plans.  Tomorrow the hubster and I are going to go spend my incentive pay on a couple of kayaks and all the accouterments that go with them.  Sunday is going to be a fabric cutting day, unless the weather seriously dries out so we can try out the kayaks.  Monday and Tuesday are for errands, house cleaning (and boy does it need it!) and some sewing if we have time. The woman child has assured me she will be my presser so I can whip through a quilt top in good time.

We'll see how it all works out.  I am a last minute sort of person but I'd love to finish something WELL ahead of schedule for once in my life. LOL!

Hope everyone else is getting to do some sewing!  I promise there will be pictures in my next post. 

That's it from here for now.

1 comment:

Little Penpen said...

Congrats on the kayaks! What fun you two will have. Hope the new quilt idea works for you.