Saturday, October 5, 2024

And Then It Was a Month Later

Hello blog readers.... 

So, it has been a month since I posted anything.  Time got away from me.  I haven' t had time to quilt on the quilt on the machine in my last post so it still looks just the same as it did. (Polaroid quilt).

I've been working 50-60 hour weeks.  Hopefully that will lighten up by the end of October.  Today I repotted plants and set up a grow light situation since I'll need to supplement the light for my plants over the winter.

My daughter went to my local fabric shop (Gee Gee's) and bought fabric to make my daughter-in-law a quilt.  So now she has a quilt top in progress and one still in fabric stage needing to be cut!  Maybe she's starting to become a fabric-aholic like me?

In other news, a friend of ours gave me a quilt!  She is one of the 3 or 4 other ladies in our congregation who quilts and I love everything she does.  She pieces the tops then sends them out to get them quilted, I told her she should come over here and use my quilter but she likes to do bigger (king size) and I have to do king size in sections so she hasn't taken me up on it yet.

I remade the bed right away so I could put it on there!  One day we'll get our bed side tables under control.  Small house so things tend to go where only we will see them. :)

What else..... made my first sourdough bread using flour I ground myself.  They didn't get very airy but they sure tasted good!

I think that's about it for now.  It's 5 PM and I got off work at noon but I just don't have much gumption so I think I'll go watch youtube quilting instead of doing my own.  Hopefully next week I'll have some gumption.

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