Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bits of Progress

 Hello quilty friends!

I've made a bit of progress, a very little bit.  It's 3:30 on Sunday the 14th of July and I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I didn't get everything done that I wanted too, but I did get some of it done.

Tuesday evening hubby said he had made reservations for a couple of nights about 2 hours from home just so we could get out of the house and go somewhere while I was on vacation.  It was nice.  I didn't get to use the pool as there were way to many little people splashing around in it, but I did get to relax without cleaning and cooking for a couple of days so that was nice.

When we got home on Friday I got a little quilting done before we had to do some errands, by the time we got home it was late and time for bed.

Saturday we went to a morning wedding so we were done with that by 3 PM.  Very nice wedding between two very good friends of ours.  Relaxed, beachy theme and a very nice, relaxed reception afterward.  Small group of people and very low key, which was really nice.

After the wedding we went over to watch our grandson while his Mom and Dad went to a concert, so that was nice as well.  He's really into video games but he wants you to watch him play so he can explain the whole thing to you while he plays.  I have fun with that, except the VR (which I was watching on TV while he wore the headset and played) which made me a little motion sick when he was whipping his head around really fast. 😆

Today we had our morning meeting, went to lunch and then had to stop to get some thumb-drives for the spouse to transfer wedding pictures, he was the photographer yesterday since he has really nice camera gear.

Now I've got the rest of today to work on the quilt that is on the quilter, here's a look:

I hope everyone is staying cool, if you are where it's hot and warm, if you are where it's cold. 

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