Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Quilters?

 Hello again!  

A couple of posts ago I was trying to figure out how I was going to back this:

I decided to piece a back, using all of the leftover fabric that I got for the front and the borders and what-all. 

So I pieced a back, about halfway into it my daughter, wise woman that she is, said "There is no way you are going to use that as the back unless you drastically change your plan."

Me, thinking I am smart said, "I'll just make it asymmetrical, then I will have to use it as the back." 

She says, "Ah yes, you do love symmetry.  Asymmetrical will probably work."  Her voice was doubtful.

Anyway, I finished piecing the back and it looked like this (ignore the bedside tables, no one sees them so we are allowed to be slobs in there):

  So, what do you think I did after I laid this out, saw what it looked like in all of its Asymmetrical glory?  You would be correct if you said I pulled out a 6 yard piece of high quality flannel I had and made it into a back instead since this will now be a quilt of it's own.

Note to self, don't piece backs ever again.  Every time I try to piece a back I end up going overboard and making it to pretty to be a back.  The problem I usually run into, and it happened with this one also is that I have to then figure out how to quilt the top so that the quilting will look good on the pieced back also and that would be IMPOSSIBLE with this one.  

I'm not upset about it at all.  The quilt that I've been working on for I don't even know how many years is now on the quilter and will be done and gifted hopefully by the end of this coming weekend, unless it is just to warm in my office/sewing room to stay in here any longer.  Going to hit 100 degrees today so they say. 🔥🌞🔥

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