Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday Sew Day

Happy long weekend!

Last week was .... lets just say I worked 18 hours of overtime and leave it at that.  Even working from home, 18 hours of OT, when you have to take mandated breaks, makes for very long days.  I started every morning at 5:00 AM and wasn't off until 6:30 PM, except for Tuesday I got off at 3:30.  Not any sewing got done. 

Anyway, that said, I'm glad last week is over and I have the next week off!  Lots of sewing (I hope) and some DIYs on the house.  We have a lot of DIYs on our house. 

Addition remodel is almost completely done.  Still some storage bins to sort and do whatever needs doing with the stuff inside, and window and door trim to do.  Hubby is getting his stuff all organized and set up and it is looking really awesome out there.

Our kitchen remodel that we started a few years ago is still only probably 1/3 done.  He still has to install shelves, build the island/butcher block, make and install cabinet doors and the exhaust hood still needs installing.  Kickboards, trim etc. etc. still all need doing.  Plus, our stove is wearing out so that will need replacing before the end of October when I think we'll be able to just go buy a new one and not finance it, since I know what the one I want will cost. 

Living room, which I think I'm going to start calling the "parlor" even though it is right inside the front door is a very small space.  Once we get the kitchen done and the storage bins with all of our extra kitchen stuff emptied I want to do a small L shaped couch and a coffee table.  He built an entertainment center thing that still needs doors also.  We have the blinds for the windows and the windows still need to be trimmed out after he replaced them.  We need a new front door but that will likely be a next summer thing.

Bathroom needs to be repainted (remodeled it several years ago) and the trim in there was never installed so that needs doing.

We have a lot to do and it won't get all done in a week and I am sewing a lot no matter what so.... 😂

I rearranged the office/sewing area which I think I showed a post or two ago.  I am thinking of doing another tiny rework.  I am thinking of pulling my cedar chest (was my gramma's) out from under the quilter and putting it in front of the window, putting something to protect it on top and putting my plants on it instead of the little table they are on right now.  Not only will that free up some space to tuck bins of fabric under the quilter, but it will put the cedar chest out where I can look at it and get the happy feels. 

I can't even remember what is in there to be honest.  I know that a very large crocheted bed cover my paternal grandma made and gave me is in there.  She told me when she gave it that it needs a bit of repair where one of the great grands took some scissors to it.  Also I think there are wall quilts in there that I've collected and made over the years.  

Once I do that, I'm thinking of moving the desk that is my sewing machine desk to where my standing desk is and making the shorter desk my work desk with my standing riser on it, and then having my standing desk be my sewing machine desk so I don't have to continually get up and down to iron.  I might set it up and test it this week and see if I like it that way.

Today though I'm quilting on what is on the quilter so I can get the Polaroid quilt on there by the end of the week and get busy on it.  Next after that is the Marilyn quilt for my daughter in law.

I hope everyone will have an excellent weekend!

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