Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Little Progress

 Today was a very good day.  No one is sick.  🤞

I got a little quilting done and I have all but one row on the Polaroid quilt top done.  Once that row is complete and added I'll have to figure out what I want to do for a border since I am out of the gray fabric.

I'll probably do a completely different pink fabric as the border. Maybe?

Anyway it looks like this right now:

I love this new Juki sewing machine so much.  It seems like I am able to get things done so much faster.  This morning I only had the first two rows attached together and 2 other rows ready to attach and that was all.  I was able to finish all of the blocks for 3 more rows today and get 2 of them attached. 

It is so much easier when you have even a small dedicated space where everything can just stay set up and no one comes in and puts their stuff everywhere.  It is so hard when other people think they can just leave their stuff in your way.  

Hubby has a room more than 4 times the size of this one, and a 12 x 15 shop with a loft so if he can't fit all of his stuff in all that space then we have a problem. LOL!

Anyway, another whole day of sewing tomorrow.  Which I am very excited about.  I'm hoping to get the Polaroid quilt top done so I can get it loaded on the quilter next (as soon as the flannel backing fabric I ordered for it gets here). Next is either the Marilyn quilt or another one that I have a lot of blocks already done for, I just need to make a larger center block that is a Mariner's Star.  It is for a Seattle Mariners fan so I am glad I have the right fabrics.

I guess that's it for now.... except a knock on the door and our neighbor just brought us a whole ton of zucchini!! If we stay well Zucchini Bread is in my immediate future!  If not I'll run it all through the grater and freeze it for later use. 

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