Sunday, September 1, 2024

End of the Day

 Sunday Funday!

We went to a Japanese place for lunch (I had a Volcano roll and stirfry Veggies) then came home and I have been sewing since about 3ish when we got home.

Daughter and I laid out the Marilyn blocks and played with them until we were as happy as we were going to get with them.  And I have spent the rest of the time trying to finish the quilting on the one on the machine.

I'm getting tired though so I started making mistakes so the last two rows will get quilted tomorrow.  Polaroid will go on the quilter.  And I'll start putting Marilyn together when I get bored with the rest of it.

 I also moved the cedar chest out and got it set up under the window.  No picture yet as I'm going to build a frame for my grow lights so when winter gets here I can still give my Basil, Spider plant and hopefully my Avocado trees "sun" light.

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