Good morning!
Just a quick check in today. I took this week off so there is sewing happening. I got the binding on the quilt that I'm gifting today.
Again, I don't have a space where I can get "good" pictures yet. I think once hubby gets the addition really done I'll be able to take pictures out there since he is an amateur photographer.
The Polaroid quilt is on the quilter and it will also be a gift quilt for a young lady I know.
Next up will be a baby/lap quilt that I think I will list on Etsy, unless I think of someone to give it to. I have to go around the hearts with an embroidery stitch so I spent the morning organizing what of my thread I've found so far and picking a purple to do that.
I got the cedar chest moved out from under the quilter storage and moved all of the bins under the quilter so now the plastic fabric bins are all hidden most of the time if there is a quilt in progress on the quilter.
You can see the spider plant I'm trying not to kill, a couple of avocado seeds that are drying, behind them in the plastic pot are a couple of avocado seeds I'm trying to sprout, in the little jar are some starts from a really common viney house plant that I can't remember the name of and on the right are 4 basil plants.
I'm not sure how the basil is doing so well, usually after we use what we want off of the plants they die. This time they lasted a couple of weeks in the little pot they were in so I told my daughter I was going to repot it and try really hard not to kill it so we could save some money by not having to by fresh basil. She does a couple dishes with it and I always add it to curry, even though the recipe I use doesn't call for it. Basil is yum.
Today we have to go do a grocery shop. Hopefully I'll get to get some quilting on the Polaroid quilt done. My only sewing goal today is to deliver the quilt and get the embroidery around the hearts on the little quilt.
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