
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Fun

 Hello again!

Today was the first Saturday in a long time that I got to actually relax a little and have some fun.  Generally Saturday is my day for getting everything I couldn't do during the week done (errands, shopping, cleaning).  These 55 and 60 hour work weeks don't leave much time for anything else, even working at home they make for a long day when we have to take "mandated" breaks.

Anyway, not here to complain about my work week so I'll move on.

Today is a rainy, hail-y (?), wet, humid (since it's warmish) day.  We went and had lunch at a friend's house with a bunch of other friends to celebrate his upcoming nuptials.  It was really nice and I called it a cheat day from my diet so I ate a lot of really good things that were really bad for me.  I don't regret it.  Even a little. 😀

When we got home hubby went to his space to work on a public discourse he has to give next weekend and I came into the sewing room.  I couldn't settle so I have wandered between projects.

Quilted on this a little but then decided I wasn't in a really quilting mood.

Finished piecing this top and then decided (I think) on adding some 4 inch gray boarders, but then got bored with that before I could actually sew on the borders.  I did choose the back for this one and it will probably be a "sell" quilt. It's just over 50 inches wide an inch or two longer than it is wide.

After getting bored with that I started work on this again, and I think it will be the next thing I finish.  I'm thinking it will be a bed sized quilt and I might keep it since I always wanted a quilt with curves.

While fiddling with that I was also trying to think what I am going to do for a back for this one.  I am not sure if I want to piece a back and just use things I have or if I want to just buy backing fabric.  

Piecing a back  will entail pulling all of the fabric bins out from under the quilter, where they are hiding, and digging through them to remind myself of what I have.  Some of the fabric I have has been in bins for over 5 years so who knows what lovely surprises I will find.

Anyway, some of the leftovers that I brought home are calling my name, 12:30 lunch was about 7 hours ago!

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