Thursday, August 22, 2024

And Done! On to the Next


The pictures aren't the best because it is King sized and I only have so much room to snap pictures in my sewing room/office space.

We gifted it Tuesday and they really liked it.

 Next up is this one that another friend has already called dibs on.

In other news....

One of the three of us was exposed to the virus yesterday so the other two of us went and stocked up on anything we think we might need if we end up ill.  The exposed person is also confined and we are all masking and carrying germ killing wipes around with us.  

We have avoided it so far due to being very careful and diligent about masking when going where there are a lot of people.  Our daughter has a weaker immune system that most people so we have been very careful.  Yesterday, someone who should have known better exposed several people all in one day, when they had obvious symptoms (did not test and claimed they were having allergies) and had been taking care of a family member who has the virus.  

There is quite a bit of irritation in our house at the moment.  

Things happen, and you can't just not trust everyone all the time.  Still annoying though.  I guess I should go feed the pariah in our house.

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