Sunday, August 18, 2024

Getting Stuff Done

 Hello again!

I've been getting stuff done at a fairly good rate.

Friday I played "room Tetris" and completely moved my entire office sewing area around.  It involved some strategic inch at a time wiggling of things, parkour on my part (didn't think my 56 year old body was going to be able to crawl under and over the things it had to but it did!), and a lot of sore muscles the last couple of days but I think this set up will be better.  The only thing that did not move was my work desk since while I work my screens can't be visible from the doorway, and the vintage singer in it's little cabinet.

Sewing machine table and cutting table are now in the "closet" corner so that I can rest heavy quilts on the cutting table while I'm binding and doing any touchups.

Quilter is now against the long window wall along with the shelf.

I finished the quilt below on Friday and gifted it yesterday.

This second of the wedding quilts (first one was several years ago) is on the quilter getting the top end quilted.  My quilter isn't quite wide enough to do a king, short ways so saved one side and am quilting it now.  Binding will go on tomorrow since I have the day off and hopefully delivery will be either tomorrow evening or Tuesday.

I'll also take a finish picture once I have it complete.

That's it for now.  Next up will be either a polaroid quilt or a "Marilyn" quilt that I got panels for ages ago and had an idea what I wanted to do but just haven't gotten to it yet (like the other 50 WIPs in this room in bins). 

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